Jumat, 26 November 2010

10 Tips OK Untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan

Dari tahun ke tahun, resolusi Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan tampak terbengkalai begitu saja? Jangan mau kalah begitu saja. Mulailah mengajak tubuh Anda untuk bergerak perlahan dan raihlah angka bobot ideal tubuh yang Anda impikan. Tak perlu muluk-muluk, cukup dengan langkah-langkah kecil saja, kok. Ini contohnya.
  1. Menetapkan gol latihan yang masuk akal. Kalau tidak, percuma saja Anda berlatih. Cobalah untuk mulai menyiapkan waktu berolahraga dua kali di hari kerja dan sekali pada akhir minggu dengan lama waktu berlatih 30 menit. Jika Anda hanya memiliki waktu 20 menit pun tak masalah. Kuncinya adalah untuk mulai bergerak dan terus bergerak.
  2. Memiliki rekan seperjuangan memang menyenangkan dan bisa dijadikan pemacu pula. Namun, ketika teman seperjuangan yang Anda miliki adalah si dia yang berlainan jenis kelamin, harus dilakukan semacam penyesuaian. Pria harus menyadari bahwa wanita tidak selalu bisa menyamai level intensitasnya. Perlu dihindari pemaksaan dari pria untuk membuat pasangannya berlatih lebih keras. Apa yang terasa baik-baik saja bagi si dia kadang tidak begitu adanya bagi Anda. Karena itu, jangan dipaksakan. Begitu pun dengan rasa makanan.
  3. Pria membakar kalori lebih cepat dibandingkan wanita karena pria memiliki massa otot lebih banyak dan bisa membakar 30-40 persen lebih banyak kalori meski berlatih dengan gaya dan intensitas yang sama. Adalah hal yang tidak realistis untuk mengharapkan hasil yang sama pada pria dan wanita pada waktu yang sama dengan latihan serupa. Jadi, jangan membandingkan diri dengan pasangan Anda ketika menyangkut soal berapa banyak angka yang berhasil diturunkan saat mulai berlatih bersama.
  4. Camilan sehat bisa Anda buat sendiri. Campur kacang almon, kacang kedelai yang diselimuti cokelat, dan yogurt.
  5. Bereksperimenlah dengan bahan-bahan herbal, seperti rosemary, sage, thyme, mint, dan dill. Tak hanya akan menambah rasa pada makanan, tapi juga mengandung banyak nutrisi.
  6. Cari udara segar. Pergi ke gym dari hari ke hari bisa membuat Anda merasa seperti rutinitas dan ini merupakan hal yang berbahaya bagi upaya berlatih Anda. Sesekali, gantilah suasana dengan berjalan kaki, atau berlari, atau bersepeda di luar ruangan.
  7. Set screen saver layar komputer Anda untuk mati setiap setengah jam atau gunakan alarm di jam tangan Anda sebagai penanda bahwa sudah saatnya Anda bergerak. Bergeraklah dengan melakukan semacam peregangan ringan, seperti angkat tubuh dengan tangan di bangku, push up sambil menghadap dinding, dan lainnya. Atau, cukup dengan beranjak dari tempat duduk dan mulai mengitari ruangan. Asal jangan sampai kegiatan ini mengganggu pekerjaan Anda.
  8. Perhatikan sekitar Anda dan lihatlah bahwa masih banyak yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk berlatih di sela-sela waktu Anda. Misal, merapikan halaman rumah, mencabut rumput-rumput liar, menyapu-mengepel, dan lainnya. Trik lain yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah dengan meregangkan kaki, sambil berjingkat-jongkok saat menelepon. Atau mengangkat kaki sambil meregangkan saat menonton televisi. Cobalah untuk mengambil berbagai momen sebagai kesempatan untuk berolahraga.
  9. Bukan tipe orang yang bisa bangun pagi? Banyak kok orang yang seperti Anda. Jangan terpaku pada omongan yang menyatakan Anda harus berolahraga pada pagi hari. Waktu terbaik untuk Anda berolahraga adalah saat energi Anda berada di titik tertinggi. Kebanyakan orang menyerah ketika mencoba memaksa dirinya untuk berlatih di jam-jam saat tubuhnya menolak untuk bergerak. Jadi, jangan mendaftar untuk kelas yoga pada pukul 06.00 ketika Anda tahu akan sulit untuk Anda bisa memaksa diri datang setiap jadwalnya. Pagi, sore, dan malam adalah waktu ideal untuk berolahraga, tergantung tubuh Anda.
  10. Saat bersama pasangan, cobalah untuk berbelanja bahan makanan bersama. Di setiap perjalanan, pilihlah 1-2 makanan sehat untuk dicoba. Dengan begini, Anda bisa menghabiskan waktu bersama dan merencanakan makanan bersama. Kalau perlu, gunakan buku resep makanan sehat untuk diikuti setiap minggu.


SHINee Key Kimkibum
Key or Kim Kibum is a vocalist and one of the rappers from grop SHINee. He was a gifted varsity water-skier at Dae Gu Young Shin Middle School. He was discovered at the “2005 S.M. National Tour Audition Casting”. Before debuting with Shinee, Key appeared in Super Junior’s Wonder Boy MV as an extra dancer. Key was featured in label-mate Xiah’s solo “Xiahtic”.
Kim Kibum’s stage name is Key because he likes to solve things.
SHINee Key Kimkibum
Don’t be confuse between SHINee’s Kim Kibum and Kim Kibum from Super Junior.
SHINee’s Key writes a Love Letter for IU on Music Bank
Aside from the highly-anticipated debut stages of F.Cuz and Hyuna, there was another special surprise for the viewers on MBC Music Bank tonight. Key of SHINee and IU joined together in a duet to perform a classic MC Mong song, Love Letter For You.
SHINee Key Kimkibum
As Key spitted the rhymes, he handed single-wrapped roses to IU, whose vocal performance hardly strayed from that of the song’s original singer. The two demonstrated a good chemistry onstage and seemed to enjoy themselves throughout.
Aside from her singing abilities, IU is quite a brave soul. Despite the disapproving response she received from Yoseob fangirls who raided Cyworld and eventually shut it down after her collaboration with the BEAST blondie, IU still pulled through the special stage with Key. She may sing about marshmallows, but her heart sure isn’t soft as one. Perhaps SHINee fangirls will have been more understanding and just enjoyed the duo’s performance.
SHINee Key Kimkibum

20 facts about KEY in COOL轻音乐 magazine – September Issue
1. Will go to the CD shop and ask, “Where are the SHINee CDs? Are they selling well?” Cares about his welfare in outlook in life.
2. “Right from when we are trainees till now, the one who sings really well, dances superbly, gets angry only when it is an occasion to be angry about, makes people feel that “this guy is really amazing!”, that person is Key.” (JONGHYUN)
3. Has a love-hate relationship with horror movies and horror stories, he yearns for them but he is also scared of them, he likes them but he also dislikes them. He lost his composure/image in the cinema many times because of that, he is only able to rent horror movies/dramas towatch at home to continue scaring himself.
4. “I don’t want a fantasy romance like those in the movies, I look towards a realistic and truthful relationship.” Honest, straighforward and open minded girls are OK, but girls who are soft on the outside but really fierce on the insides are a NO. Must have an opinion, not be too girly, and must like to freely express what she likes.
5. In terms of dressing up as girls, Taemin is the most suitable, but the prettiest is still the one who is looking into the mirror (ie. Key), if he really wants to do it, even a true woman will not be able to match up to him. (Proudly)
SHINee Key Kimkibum
6. Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap.
7. “To be an idol, it’s not enough to just put in effort in the front appearance, your back appearance is important too.”
8. Good at saying honeyed words, but hearing lines like “Are you hurt? I am hurting too.” makes him burst out in laughter.
9. “If I were to become Yunhanam’s director, the viewing rates ought to be able to rise.” (smug)
10. His personal talent is imitating a robotic character from a cartoon show, the classic line being “Woah! Money! With money anything can be done!!”
SHINee Key Kimkibum
11. Good at preparing, good at analyzing, belongs to the kind who is able to work out a plan from scratch with just a single detail.
12. “You cannot avoid me, you must look at me in the eyes.”
13. It’s his nature to take care of people? At first he was just Taemin’s umma, after that his nagging extends to include all of the members, and now it is becoming that he nags at whoever he sees.
14. Still nagging. Because he has been too naggy, Taemin really wants to change his umma now…
15. Become a girl? Then he would date all the other members once and see how it is. Does not know how it is like when they are in front of a girl, he is really curious about it.
SHINee Key Kimkibum
16. “The person who is able to meet an ET who has come to earth and not feel scared but instead in able to converse naturally with it is Key…Even if he is left on an abadoned island, he will still be able to find a way to survive.” (JONGHYUN)
17. As long as he is being sincerely asked to do something, he will do it no matter how unwilling he is, even if he does not like to do it.
18. Sentimental and sensitive, even if it just a piece of paper from someone who he cares about, he will take really good care of it.
19. The group’s No.1 in fashion. Red, white, blue, it is normal for him to carry off these colours which are easy to carry off, but for colours like pink and grass green which are more difficult to pull off, he is still able to do it.
20. “I hope that this album can receive a lot of love from everyone, and, if only our friends all know SHINee’s songs, they only know ‘Noona is so pretty’
SHINee Key Kimkibum
Key Profile :
Real Name: Kim Ki Bum 김기범
Nickname: Almighty Key
Birthday: 1991.09.23 (17 years old)
Height: 177 cm
First Appearance: Super Junior Movie: Attack of the Pin Up Boys, Series of Terror Attacks
Interest/Speciality: Rap, Dance, Snowboarding, Water-skiing, Japanese, English, Chinese
Position: Supporting Vocalist, 2nd Lead Rapper
SHINee Key Kimkibum
More Photos of Key Kim Kibum
SHINee Key Kimkibum
SHINee Key Kimkibum
SHINee Key Kimkibum
SHINee Key Kimkibum
Watch Key Kim Kibum and SNSD Concert Jessica duet in single “Barbie Girl” video here

Kamis, 25 November 2010


Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin (이재진) is a vocalist of Korean Boy Band FT Island. His acting debut in 2007 KBS2 daily sitcom Unstoppable Marriage as Wang Sa Baek (왕사백).
Member Lee Jae Jin was a castmember of KBS’s sitcom Unstoppable Marriage while the other members made a cameo appearance. In the sitcom, Lee played the role of Wang Sa Baek (Sim Mal Yeon’s fourth son), and appeared regularly on the show.
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Don’t be confused with another Korean Singer Lee Jae Jin (이재진) from group Sechs Kies. Yes, there is another Lee Jae Jin who was a choreographer for Sechs Kies. Along with Kim Jae Duc, he would create the dances for all of Sechs Kies music videos.
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin in Sonagi Musical
On March 11, 2009, it was announced that Lee Jae Jin will participate in the musical Sonagi. He will get the role as a young boy. He was cast because he “showed a great passion for the piece, had the image of a sincere young boy, and had the qualifications to be considered a musical actor.” He follows the footsteps of Big Bang’s SeungRi, who already participated in the musical in summer 2008. His first appearance in “Sonagi” was on the show for the 1st May with an agitation from the press. Other than Hongki, who had a tight schedule that day, all of the other members managed to attend the musical.
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin and her sister Lee Chae Won
Lee Jae Jin FT Island and sister
F.T Island member, Lee Jae Jin’s real sister acting in SBS “On Air” was made known recently, interesting many netizens. Lee Jae Jin’s sister, Lee Chae Won plays the make-up artist for Oh Seung Ah (Kim Ha Neul) in “On Air” and appears practically in every episode. Lee Chae Won had debuted initally using her real name Lee Jae Gyung but changed it recently. She did not rely on the fame of her brother’s name nor F.T Island to get any favours. That’s why not much people paid notice to her.
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
While her real name is Lee Jae-gyeong, she changed it to Lee Chae-won recently. She debuted as a fashion model and is reportedly signed with the same talent agency younger bro is with.
According to the “On Air” production team, F.T Island theme song, “One Word” for “On Air” has been a great success.
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin Profile
Name: Lee JaeJin
Korean Name : 이재진
Position : Vocalist, Rapper, Guitar and Bass. (Guitar and Vocal in FT Triple.)
DOB: Dec 17th 1991
Height: 177cm
Weight: 58kg
Blood: A
School: 선유고등학교 1학년 (SunYoo High School 1st year)
Hobby: Surfing the Internet, Asking questions to music teachers & sunbaes
Family: Parents, Older Sister, Jaejin
Talents: Bass, listening to music
Nickname: 자진이 (JahJinnie)
Best Points: Lips
Position in band: Bassist
What I like: money … food … music
Motto: Do well the works that are for me!
For my future love: “Saranghae”
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
More Photos of Lee Jae Jin
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Lee Jae Jin FT Island
Watch Lee Jaejin Solo Performance in Thailand Concert Video here


FT Island Choi Min Hwan
Choi Min Hwan is one of the youngest members of the korean boy band FT Island, South Korea pop band. He was born on 11 November 1992 in South Korea and is still studying at high school. Choi Min Hwan goes to Eunil Information Industry High School.
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
Choi Min Hwan is the youngest/magnae and is the third member of FT Triple. He plays the drums and also had his acting debut last year in The Road Home. He is especially known for his adorable aegyeos.
Choi Min Hwan plays drums in the band and he is also the second sub vocal. Choi Min Hwan debuted in acting most recently in “The Road Home”.
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
Choi Min Hwan Ideal Girl
FT Island members appeared on KBS JOY ‘Ent News – VIP Interview’ which will air on 21st and revealed their ideal girl.The youngest Choi Min Hwan said “2NE1’s Sandara Park catches my eyes lately. Even though I never got to talk to her, I like her. If there is time, I want to have tea with her” and received applause from members.Following this, Lee Hongki revealed “I like After School’s Joo Yeon.”
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
Choi Min Hwan Profile
Name: Choi MinHwan
Korean Name : 최 민 환
Position : Vocalist, Drums, (Vocalist,Drummer in FT Triple)
DOB: Nov 11th 1992
Blood type: A
Height: 171cm
Weight: 55kg
School: 양화중학교 3학년 (YangHwa Junior High School 3rd year)
Hobby: Making Music
Family: Parents, Younger Sibling, Minhwan
Talents: Drum, eating CHICKEN!
Nickname; 사오정 (SahOhJung)
Best Points: Cuteness
Position in band: Drummer – backbone of F.T Island!
What I like: Chicken!!
Motto: There’s no tomorrow for me!?
For my future love: “My lovely beautiful girlfriend, plz take care of your health. Luv you!”
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
More Photos of Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
FT Island Choi Min Hwan
Watch Choi Min Hwan from FT Island solo stage 1st concert video here


Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hun (최종훈) is a vocalist and leader of Korean Boy Band FT Island. His name is sometimes spelled Choi Jung Hun, Choi Jong Hoon or Choi Jung Hoon. As the leader of South Korean pop band, FT Island, choi Jong Hun takes a role as Vocalist. He also plays the piano and guitar in the band.
Apart from Lee Hong Ki, Choi Jong Hun is also a university student since March 2009. He is attending Digital Music Degree classes ar Gyeonggi University.
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hun also Participated Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) Idol Maknae Rebellion, and Starred in “Style Wave” together with Song Seung Hyun.
On June 29, Choi Jong Hun was featured with Core Contents Media’s soloist Hong Jin Young as one of the main characters in her music video “Love Battery”.
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Fortunately, the rest of the band is still too young to have a scandal, so the fans of the remaining members can breathe a sigh of relief. For now….. .
Plus luckily (so far) Mnet only picks 2 members from each group to do the episodes, so yes, the nightmare hopefully ends here.
Choi Jong Hun Girlfriend
Choi Jong Hoon Girlfriend
Who is Choi Jong Hun girlfriend is still mysterious. But after the recent episode of MNet Scandal, which featured F.T. Island’s Choi Jong Hun, Choi Jung Hun is being bashed for showing too much skinship in his recent episode with his make-believe girlfriend.
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
F.T. Island’s leader, Choi Jong Hun, is being slammed for the amout of personal contact/skinship he had made with his partner in the recent episode of MNet Scandal. In the episode, Jong Hun and his “girlfriend” were seen, cuddling, hugging, kissing (many many times), making out and holding hands. Netizens having commenting saying things such as how “they’ve never seen two people advance so fast.” But some are saying the fault is F.T. Island’s girlfriends’, saying things such as, “The problem lies with the girl. Isn’t she over doing it?” and “This woman has no class at all.” Although.. aren’t scandals suppose to be scandalous? In my opinion, the fault is at both sides, seeing as how it doesn’t take one person to hug or hold hands, it takes two. Some netizens also had thoughts that maybe since Jong Hun has been busy for so long and maybe not having much contact with any females, he is letting it all out quickly in this one week with his make-believe girlfriend.
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hun and FT Triple
After several Japanese promotional activities, members Choi Jonghun, Choi Minhwan, and Lee Jaejin were put into the sub group F.T. Triple. The reason was believed to help take up some singing time during their concerts, so that lead singer, Lee Hongki, would not overstrain his voice.
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hun Profile
Name: Choi JongHun
Korean Name : 최종훈
DOB: Mar, 07th 1990, Seoul
Bloodtype: A
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
School: 신동신정보산업고등학교 2학년 (ShinDongShinJung BoSan School 2nd Year)
Hobby: Making Music, Internet
Family: Parents, JongHun
Talents: Piano
Nickname: SexyJonghun
Best Points: Nose
Position in band: Leader!
What I like: Food & music
Motto: Think & always do something (or move forward) *I’m not sure at all, sorry!
For my future love: “I’ll buy something for you, may I? What do you want? ^^;”
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
More Photos of Choi Jong Hoon
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Choi Jong Hoon FT Island
Watch Mnet Scandal ep 19 Ft Island Choi jong hoon Video here